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NS 6200 class

Prepping the 93

Disassembly, cleaning and testing

Well, this was the starting point as on March 11, 2010.

A beautiful model in itself I've kept it untouched on my shelf for a few weeks. My eyes feasted on the lavish detail that is common for Roco in combination with a German (Prussian) prototype.


Disassembly starts with separating the superstructure, the "hood", from the chassis (the "frame"). Well, here I immediately encountered problems. I removed the cab by carefully clicking it away. From other Roco models I knew this would be a feasible place to start. Underneath I found two screws. Aha!! To my utter disgruntlement the hood did not move after unscrewing. I spent over an hour searching for the culprit that still held the loco together. To no avail.

I needed the documentation supplied by Roco. It was not present at my used model so I posted a help question on a Dutch model railroading forum and within 24 hours I had a satisfactory answer: a copy of Roco's BR93 Instructions manual!! (Thanks again Johan!!).

The manual showed the screw is hidden under the steam dome which has a removable top. In hindsight you can see the minute seam in this dome on the photo. After lifting the hood I carefully

disassembled the hood, storing parts for reuse. I considered selling the hood as a complete item but it was not in a pristine condition, so it will end up in the odd bits and pieces box.

When disassembling the frame I meticulously noted every step. I need to assemble it again!! I put the various parts in plastic bags as to keep them organized. I also made some photos to "digitally memorize" the original setup.

Before taking out all connecting rods of the drive I made this photo in order to be able to put all pieces back together again.

Knowing which screw is going where is also pretty important.

Of four screws that serve as there are three different types (nos 1 and 4 are identical). Looking at the form of the screw one might guess which one to put where, but better to record "lest we forget", to cite Kipling.

Electrical setup and axle setup in the frame, just before removing the axles.

Gearbox setup (after cleaning and reassembly for the sake of the photo).


A propos cleaning. The engine was a used model and it was extensively run. When I bought it, it would hardly run. All moving parts were crusted and clogged with grease and oil forming a sticky mass. I bathed all parts in white spirit and rinsed any contamination away. I reassembled the gear box, axles, connecting rods and wheel sets to the frame and did a running test. It ran well. A few drops of oil would do wonders now, but that will have to wait until after complete reconstruction.

In less than no time everything was boxed.

The bags contain among others the left and right hand side of the coupling rods and their accessories, every side in a separate bag. Some note papers were added to remind me later what it all was

The frame is a work of art in its own right, its elaborate detail a source of endless amazement. Simply take a look at the embedded gearbox and awe at the beautiful lines!